Excellent turnout at the lobby today. Residents, relatives and staff from Cobgates and Park Hall came on buses sponsored by Save Our Services.
£180 was collected towards the cost of the buses.
Around 50-60 protestors chanted HOME SWEET HOME, HANDS OFF OUR HOMES - SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL, SAVE OUR HOMES - NO IFS, NO BUTS, NO CARE HOME CUTS and MUMS TEST, WE KNOW BEST (reference to the Mums Test, would you place your mum in one of these homes? Of course!).
I presented the SOSIS 4,500 signature petition against the closure.
Sadly, and to their shame, the cabinet voted unanimously to carry on with the closure programme. We will be meeting on Weds 25 March in Woking to discuss what we can do now. See events page for details.
Well done to everyone. The fight goes on.