This was a good meeting, called at short notice. Representatives of the Labour, Green, Socialist and Lib Dem parties were present, along with a representative from Ashford North Residents Association and concerned local residents.
There was a long discussion around proposed local NHS cuts and how they link in to national cuts, closures and privatisation as part of the Susainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) aiming to cut £22billion from health services by 2020.
Under fairly immediate threat are:
* the Blanche Heriot (genito-urinary and sexual health) Unit at St Peters - a petition to save the unit can be found here:
* the childrens neurological unit at Ashford Hospital (supporting nearly 2,000 local children with autism, ADHD and other neurological conditions). The service is due to close and be reprovisioned in August.
It was agreed to support two events for now, with the possibility of calling emergency meetings or protests where necessary:
Friday 14 July - UNISON lobby of Surrey County Council public health scrutiny group meeting (Adults and Health Select Committee) at 9.30am (meeting starts at 10am), County Hall, Kingston KT1 2DN.
To Be Arranged - a showing of the film 'Sell Off', produced by concerned NHS professionals warning that the NHS we know and love may not make it to its 70th birthday next year due to cuts, closures and privatisation. You can also view the film on YouTube here:
If you use facebook you can like our FB page here:
We also have a Spelthorne Residents Against Austerity FB group:
Trade Unionists wanting to hear about the growing fightback against austerity can come to the National Shop Stewards Network conference on 1st July:
For those interested - there is also a meeting of the North West Surrey Clinical Commissioning Group where questions can be asked about local services.
The North West Surrey CCG will hold its Annual General Meeting at the HG Wells Centre, Church Street East, Woking GU21 8EW on Wednesday 5 July 2017 between 12.30 and 3.00 pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend to hear about the work of the CCG, its achievements in 2016-17, the annual accounts and plans for the financial year.
Tea, coffee and light refreshments will be available from 12.30 pm and there will be a wide range of information displays to view in the marketplace.
For more information and to register to attend please phone on 01372 232463 or email[email protected]
Kind regards
Paul Couchman
Secretary, Save Our Services in Surrey