Women internationally have fought to defend jobs and services and this has never been so important as we approach international women’s day this year. All the gains that we have made are under attack. However women have also been at the forefront of standing up to defend public services as the majority of the workers in the public sector. And also campaigning in our communities against cuts as women recognise how important these services are to their lives. As PCS prepares to strike to defend members by striking on budget day, this union will be highlighting how important terms and conditions like flexitime and family friendly policies are to make it much easier for women to remain in the workplace and will be fought for. 64% of the lowest paid workers are women so fighting for a decent pay rise is especially relevant for women workers. After years of pay restraint and freezes in the public sector then this issue raises the concrete potential of coordinated strike action across the public sector to break the pay cap of 1% and win a decent wage rise – following the lead taken by PCS. It is scandalous that 40% of the staff due to be delivering Universal Credit will be on this benefit themselves because of low pay. So it’s high time for a united union fight for decent pay. Support the PCS strike on budget day March 20th!
(Katrine Williams – NSSN vice-chair & PCS DWP Group Vice-President)