Some key dates:
This Sunday 1pm at the Holiday Inn on Brighton Seafront - National Shop Stewards Network TUC Rally where our very own Guildford Climate Strikers will be speaking alongside trade union leaders such as Len McCluskey from Unite. All welcome.
20th September - Youth Strike for the Climate. A day of action across the world, supported in Surrey by UNISON and by Save Our Services in Surrey. UNISON are holding a rally in Guildford at lunchtime (press release attached).
24th September - lobby the County Council over cuts to fire services. 13,000 signatures on our petition which will be presented to Cabinet on that day. Please come along from 1pm till 2pm to show the strength of support. Cabinet starts at 2pm.
8th October - another potential lobby of the council over the fire service cuts - this time the full council meeting which starts at 10am. More details to follow.

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